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"Proposition:  assertion is true
if the assertion's predicate holds
its associated experiences"
scribbled my professor
in dry white chalk
on a dusty whitish-greenish chalkboard,
a pat statement scribbled among many.

But he failed to consider a few extenuations.
I would postulate this

Proposition:  assertion is true
when a cat's paw of breeze
unsettles a heavy-handed wing
of one of the fluttery butterflies
that grip my stomach
whom I have so far succeeded in calming
as I part my lips to speak to you

My assertion remains true
even as I feel it begin to go all wrong,
silly geese flying not south but east by northeast,
senseless honking trailing off into silence

My assertion is
still true
though you discard
the unlikely-looking grey oyster who
guards tight-lipped
his lustrous pearls
in favor of a finnier, bolder,
toothier man

-- Spring 1990


I wonder and guess where you are
How you've been
What sort of thoughts are driving your mind
No one's seen you for a week
And you're not home when I call

When I last saw you
the bright eyes and leaping mind I had known were
heavy with
not enough sleep
and an alienating burden
that I couldn't touch or know
or even scarcely see
across the hazy distance between us

That's my clue I suppose

I miss you
in lonely unease
like this chilly October night's long walk home
without a coat to hold in my warmth
or protect my frailty
And I will still wonder
with unclosed eyes
deep into the countless sleepless ticks of my clock
in the quiet darkness

But my boss
smiled at me (!)
and we joked over a beer
And leaving homeward
I see that the stiff October wind
has blown the city night
clear of smog and dust --

brilliant bluish moon
	casting stark tree shadows on the pale sidewalk
and brittle points of stars
pouring pure and sharp from the
blackest sky
to hone keen my blurry consciousness

My body
in still and wordless wonder
for a while is light
and for a moment life is a good thing

-- 1990

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