Tom's SAW code compiles and runs on Windows except for a few minor modifications: * There are various Windows ports of GCC. See, for example, the mingw port at Download and install it. * In mingw, stdlib.h exists but srand48/drand48 do not. One gets an undefined-symbol error at link time. * I found rand48.c & rand48.h on the web; they are in this directory. (I needed to modify the C file to use ANSI function declarations rather than K&R-style function declarations. The latter compile with gcc but not with g++.) * You should put rand48.c and rand48.h along with the other .c and .h files you have. * Any source file which calls srand48/drand48 should not #include . That file should instead #include "rand48.h". * drand48.c should be added to the build script. * On Windows, instead of creating a Makefile, you might instead simply create a batch file. Name it, for example, build.cmd. It should have the following lines in it, modified as necessary if you have a different version of Tom's code: g++ -c -O3 -Wall src/lib.c g++ -c -O3 -Wall src/walk.c g++ -c -O3 -Wall src/rwalk.c g++ -c -O3 -Wall src/point.c g++ -c -O3 -Wall src/rpoint.c g++ -c -O3 -Wall src/simul_saw_bridge.c g++ -c -O3 -Wall src/rand48.c g++ lib.o walk.o rwalk.o point.o rpoint.o simul_saw_bridge.o rand48.o -o simul_saw_bridge Then at the Windows commmand prompt (Start -> Run -> cmd) you can cd to your project directory, then simply type "build". ---------------------------------------------------------------- John Kerl 11-02-09