Summary of actionable items for fall 2005 evaluations: To be improved: * Be sure lecture precedes HW due date * In-class problems should be harder * Writing down too many things * Disorganized & confusing boardwork * Handwriting sometimes hard to read * Sometimes goes off topic * Irrelevant examples * Talks fast * Sometimes mumbles * Assumes too much prerequisite material of the students (students must already know the material; must already be good at math). * Class discussion doesn't match homework * Class discussion doesn't match exams * Homework doesn't match exams * Didn't explain certain steps * Only grades 5 problems per assignment, even when more are assigned * Would like study problems before the exam * Allow more time for people to ask questions in class * Makes mistakes on examples in class * Could involve students more, e.g. by having them work problems on the board * Exams and quizzes too long Already good: * Enthusiastic, energetic * Easy-going & makes students laugh * Knowledgeable * Thoroughly understands the subject matter * Accepts criticism * Is respectful of students * Is available for office hours * Is available via e-mail * 2-day lag between HW assignment date & due date * Well-organized boardwork * Tough but fair * Gives written feedback on homework * Conscientious (cares about student comprehension) * Class discussion matches homework * Makes sure everyone gets the material * Clearly explained things in several different ways