College Algebra
Math 110, section 10, fall 2005
Questionnaire for students

Welcome to College Algebra at the University of Arizona! To help me get acquainted with you, please answer the following questions. This "quiz" is not scored.

What is your name?

What is my name?

What do you prefer to be called (e.g. abbreviation or nickname)?

What is your year in school?

What is your current major? (Feel free to say "undecided"!)

If you are thinking about switching, what major(s) are you considering?

What other math classes, if any, do you currently believe you are likely to take as an undergraduate?

What is the last math class you took? How long ago was that?

Please list your expectations for the course: What do you believe you will need to do in order to be successful in this course? (This question is intentionally vague -- I want to sound out your thoughts without leading you in a particular direction.)