.. PLEASE DO NOT EDIT DIRECTLY. EDIT THE .rst.in FILE PLEASE. Customization: .mlrrc ================================================================ How to use .mlrrc ---------------------------------------------------------------- Suppose you always use CSV files. Then instead of always having to type ``--csv`` as in :: mlr --csv cut -x -f extra mydata.csv :: mlr --csv sort -n id mydata.csv and so on, you can instead put the following into your ``$HOME/.mlrrc``: :: --csv Then you can just type things like :: mlr cut -x -f extra mydata.csv :: mlr sort -n id mydata.csv and the ``--csv`` part will automatically be understood. (If you do want to process, say, a JSON file then ``mlr --json ...`` at the command line will override the default from your ``.mlrrc``.) What you can put in your .mlrrc ---------------------------------------------------------------- * You can include any command-line flags, except the "terminal" ones such as ``--help``. * The formatting rule is you need to put one flag beginning with ``--`` per line: for example, ``--csv`` on one line and ``--nr-progress-mod 1000`` on a separate line. * Since every line starts with a ``--`` option, you can leave off the initial ``--`` if you want. For example, ``ojson`` is the same as ``--ojson``, and ``nr-progress-mod 1000`` is the same as ``--nr-progress-mod 1000``. * Comments are from a ``#`` to the end of the line. * Empty lines are ignored -- including lines which are empty after comments are removed. Here is an example ``.mlrrc file``: :: # These are my preferred default settings for Miller # Input and output formats are CSV by default (unless otherwise specified # on the mlr command line): csv # If a data line has fewer fields than the header line, instead of erroring # (which is the default), just insert empty values for the missing ones: allow-ragged-csv-input # These are no-ops for CSV, but when I do use JSON output, I want these # pretty-printing options to be used: jvstack jlistwrap # Use "@", rather than "#", for comments within data files: skip-comments-with @ Where to put your .mlrrc ---------------------------------------------------------------- * If the environment variable ``MLRRC`` is set: * If its value is ``__none__`` then no ``.mlrrc`` files are processed. (This is nice for things like regression testing.) * Otherwise, its value (as a filename) is loaded and processed. If there are syntax errors, they abort ``mlr`` with a usage message (as if you had mistyped something on the command line). If the file can't be loaded at all, though, it is silently skipped. * Any ``.mlrrc`` in your home directory or current directory is ignored whenever ``MLRRC`` is set in the environment. * Example line in your shell's rc file: ``export MLRRC=/path/to/my/mlrrc`` * Otherwise: * If ``$HOME/.mlrrc`` exists, it's processed as above. * If ``./.mlrrc`` exists, it's then also processed as above. * The idea is you can have all your settings in your ``$HOME/.mlrrc``, then override maybe one or two for your current directory if you like.