Special characters in Windows

In Windows, one emits a character in the left column as follows: while holding down the alt key, use the numeric keypad to type the four-digit code in the right column. E.g. alt 0225 makes á.

á 0225
é 0233
í 0237
ó 0243
ú 0250
à 0224
è 0232
ì 0236
ò 0242
ù 0249
â 0226
ê 0234
î 0238
ô 0244
û 0251
ä 0228
ë 0235
ï 0239
ö 0246
ü 0252
æ 0230
œ 0156
ç 0231
ñ 0241
ß 0223
¿ 0191
¡ 0161
« 0171
» 0187
Á 0193
É 0201
Í 0205
Ó 0211
Ú 0218
À 0192
È 0200
Ì 0204
Ò 0210
Ù 0217
Ê 0202
Î 0206
Ô 0212
Û 0219
Ä 0196
Ë 0203
Ï 0207
Ö 0214
Ü 0220
Æ 0198
Ç 0199
Ñ 0209

You can find these all over the web by searching. This is simply a list of my most-used special characters, laid out in a table format which I personally find convenient.
John Kerl, August 2010
