Default target Non-file targets Variables Subshells Comments Breaking up long lines Naming makefilesOn the last page, you may have wondered, "How did make know to use my file called makefile? I didn't pass any arguments to make". Makefiles can have any name — makefile,, xyzpdq. The .mk extension is a convention, but is not mandatory. To tell make which makefile to use, use make's -f argument:
If you don't use -f, then make will look for a file in the current directory called makefile. If that doesn't exist, it will look for a file in the current directory called Makefile. If it can't find any of these, it will print an error message. So, it's often convenient to just name your makefile makefile. This saves typing. Default targetA makefile typically contains several statements. How does make know which one(s) to look at? If you want make to execute a specific target or targets, then type make (one or more targets). If no target is specified on the command line, make look at the first target in the makefile. For example, using the makefile from the previous page, we could rebuild sum.o and main.o by typing make sum.o main.o. This wouldn't rebuild my_sum, even if it was out of date. If you use the -f option, too, it must come first: e.g. make -f foo.o. Non-file targetsA target need not be a file: It may be simply a label, with dependencies. Examples: Since, as mentioned above, the first target in the makefile is the one looked at if none is specified on the command line, often people will have a first target called all in their makefile that looks like: all: my_program my_other_program my_program: my_program.o cc my_program.o -o my_program my_other_program: my_other_program.o cc my_other_program.o -o my_other_program ... It is a convention to name this first target all, to illustrate what the default behavior of the makefile is. Another example of a non-file target is the clean target. Again, the name clean is just a convention. This is a target with no dependencies listed — so its rules are executed unconditionally. People often use this as a handy way to clean up all the derived files created by their makefile. For example, the makefile from the previous page might be extended to look like this: my_sum: sum.o main.o cc sum.o main.o -o my_sum sum.o: sum.c sum.h cc -c sum.c main.o: main.c sum.h cc -c main.c clean: rm -rf sum.o main.o my_sumThen, if you type make, or make my_sum, then the my_sum target is looked at. However, if you specifically type make clean, then the command rm -rf sum.o main.o my_sum is executed. In our text-file example, a complete makefile might look like: all: part_1.html part_2.html part_3.html \ part_4.html part_5.html part_6.html part_1.html: part_1.txt footer.txt cat part_1.txt footer.txt > part_1.html part_2.html: part_2.txt footer.txt cat part_2.txt footer.txt > part_2.html part_3.html: part_3.txt footer.txt cat part_3.txt footer.txt > part_3.html part_4.html: part_4.txt footer.txt cat part_4.txt footer.txt > part_4.html part_5.html: part_5.txt footer.txt cat part_5.txt footer.txt > part_5.html part_6.html: part_6.txt footer.txt cat part_6.txt footer.txt > part_6.html clean: rm -f part_1.html part_2.html part_3.html \ part_4.html part_5.html part_6.html VariablesYou can use variables in your makefiles. This example creates and uses a variable called CC: CC=gcc -g -Wall sum.o: sum.c sum.h ${CC} -c sum.c main.o: main.c sum.h ${CC} -c main.c my_sum: sum.o main.o ${CC} sum.o main.o -o my_sum This is convenient if, say, you want to use a different compiler, or change some compiler arguments, etc., without having to edit every compile line in the makefile. The format is VARIABLE=value. It is a convention, but not required, that variable names are all in uppercase. It is important that you use the curly braces when referring to a variable after it's defined. This is different from the Unix shell, so omitting the curly braces is a common mistake. SubshellsThis is simply a gotcha: Every rule statement is executed as a separate Unix shell command. For example, the following makefile probably will not produce the desired results: my_output_file: some_file.txt cd /tmp touch temporary_file.txt ... The first rule line will be a shell that cd's to /tmp and exits; the second one will be a brand-new shell which creates temporary_file.txt — in the current directory, not in /tmp. To create /tmp/temporary_file.txt, you might do the following: my_output_file: some_file.txt cd /tmp; touch temporary_file.txt ... CommentsComments are preceded by a # character, just as in shell scripts. For example: # Here is how I build foo.o foo.o: foo.c cc -c -g foo.c # Here is how I build bar.o bar.o: bar.c cc -c -g bar.c ... Breaking up long linesYou can extend a line by putting a backslash as the last character. For example: # Here is how I build my program from a dozen object files my_program: file_1.o file_2.o file_3.o file_4.o \ file_5.o file_6.o file_7.o file_8.o \ file_9.o file_10.o file_11.o file_12.o cc file_1.o file_2.o file_3.o file_4.o \ file_5.o file_6.o file_7.o file_8.o \ file_9.o file_10.o file_11.o file_12.o \ -o my_program ... |