
• Command overview
• On-line help
• then-chaining
• I/O options
    • Formats
    • Record/field/pair separators
    • Number formatting
• Data transformations
    • cat
    • check
    • count-distinct
    • cut
    • filter
    • group-by
    • group-like
    • having-fields
    • head
    • histogram
    • join
    • label
    • put
    • regularize
    • rename
    • reorder
    • sort
    • stats1
    • stats2
    • step
    • tac
    • tail
    • top
    • uniq
• Functions for filter and put
• Data types
• Null data

Command overview

Whereas the Unix toolkit is made of the separate executables cat, tail, cut, sort, etc., Miller has subcommands, invoked as follows:

mlr tac *.dat
mlr cut --complement -f os_version *.dat
mlr sort -f hostname,uptime *.dat

These falls into categories as follows:

Commands Description
cat, cut, head, sort, tac, tail, top, uniq Analogs of their Unix-toolkit namesakes, discussed below as well as in Miller features in the context of the Unix toolkit
filter, put, step awk-like functionality
histogram, stats1, stats2 Statistically oriented
group-by, group-like, having-fields Particularly oriented toward Record-heterogeneity, although all Miller commands can handle heterogeneous records
count-distinct, label, rename, rename, reorder These draw from other sources (see also How original is Miller?): count-distinct is SQL-ish, and rename can be done by sed (which does it faster: see Performance).

On-line help


$ mlr --help
Usage: mlr [I/O options] {verb} [verb-dependent options ...] {file names}
   cat check count-distinct cut filter group-by group-like having-fields head
   histogram join label put regularize rename reorder sort stats1 stats2 step tac tail top
Please use "mlr {verb name} --help" for verb-specific help.
Please use "mlr --help-all-verbs" for help on all verbs.

Functions for filter and put:
   abs acos acosh asin asinh atan atan2 atanh cbrt ceil cos cosh erf erfc exp
   expm1 floor invqnorm log log10 log1p max min pow qnorm round roundm sin sinh sqrt tan
   tanh urand + - - * / % ** == != > >= < <= && || ! strlen sub tolower toupper .
   boolean float int string hexfmt fmtnum gmt2sec sec2gmt systime
Please use "mlr --help-function {function name}" for function-specific help.
Please use "mlr --help-all-functions" or "mlr -f" for help on all functions.

Separator options, for input, output, or both:
  --rs      --irs     --ors                  Record separators, defaulting to newline
  --fs      --ifs     --ofs    --repifs      Field  separators, defaulting to ","
  --ps      --ips     --ops                  Pair   separators, defaulting to "="
Data-format options, for input, output, or both:
  --dkvp    --idkvp   --odkvp                Delimited key-value pairs, e.g "a=1,b=2" (default)
  --nidx    --inidx   --onidx                Implicitly-integer-indexed fields (Unix-toolkit style)
  --csv     --icsv    --ocsv                 Comma-separated value (or tab-separated with --fs tab, etc.)
  --pprint  --ipprint --opprint --right      Pretty-printed tabular (produces no output until all input is in)
  --pprint  --ipprint --opprint --right      Pretty-printed tabular (produces no output until all input is in)
  -p is a keystroke-saver for --nidx --fs space --repifs
Numerical format:
  --ofmt {format}                            E.g. %.18lf, %.0lf. Please use sprintf-style codes for double-precision.
                                             Applies to verbs which compute new values, e.g. put, stats1, stats2.
                                             See also the fmtnum function within mlr put (mlr --help-all-functions).
Other options:
  --seed {n} with n of the form 12345678 or 0xcafefeed. For put/filter urand().
Output of one verb may be chained as input to another using "then", e.g.
  mlr stats1 -a min,mean,max -f flag,u,v -g color then sort -f color
Please see and/or for more information.

$ mlr sort --help
Usage: mlr sort {flags}
  -f  {comma-separated field names}  Lexical ascending
  -n  {comma-separated field names}  Numerical ascending; nulls sort last
  -nf {comma-separated field names}  Numerical ascending; nulls sort last
  -r  {comma-separated field names}  Lexical descending
  -nr {comma-separated field names}  Numerical descending; nulls sort first
Sorts records primarily by the first specified field, secondarily by the second field, and so on.
  mlr sort -f a,b -nr x,y,z
which is the same as:
  mlr sort -f a -f b -nr x -nr y -nr z


In accord with the Unix philosophy, you can pipe data into or out of Miller. For example:

mlr cut --complement -f os_version *.dat | mlr sort -f hostname,uptime

% cat
mlr cut -x -f i,y data/big | mlr sort -n y > /dev/null

% time sh
real 0m2.828s
user 0m3.183s
sys  0m0.137s

% cat
mlr cut -x -f i,y then sort -n y data/big > /dev/null

% time sh
real 0m2.082s
user 0m1.933s
sys  0m0.137s

For better performance (avoiding redundant string-parsing and string-formatting when you pipe Miller commands together) you can, if you like, instead simply chain commands together using the then keyword:

mlr cut --complement -f os_version then sort -f hostname,uptime *.dat

I/O options



  --dkvp    --idkvp   --odkvp
  --nidx    --inidx   --onidx
  --csv     --icsv    --ocsv
  --pprint  --ipprint --ppprint --right
  --xtab    --ixtab   --oxtab

These are as discussed in File formats, with the exception of --right which makes pretty-printed output right-aligned:

$ mlr --opprint cat data/small
a   b   i x                   y
pan pan 1 0.3467901443380824  0.7268028627434533
eks pan 2 0.7586799647899636  0.5221511083334797
wye wye 3 0.20460330576630303 0.33831852551664776
eks wye 4 0.38139939387114097 0.13418874328430463
wye pan 5 0.5732889198020006  0.8636244699032729

$ mlr --opprint --right cat data/small
  a   b i                   x                   y
pan pan 1  0.3467901443380824  0.7268028627434533
eks pan 2  0.7586799647899636  0.5221511083334797
wye wye 3 0.20460330576630303 0.33831852551664776
eks wye 4 0.38139939387114097 0.13418874328430463
wye pan 5  0.5732889198020006  0.8636244699032729

Additional notes:

  • Use --csv, --pprint, etc. when the input and output formats are the same.
  • Use --icsv --opprint, etc. when you want format conversion as part of what Miller does to your data.
  • DKVP (key-value-pair) format is the default for input and output. So, --oxtab is the same as --idkvp --oxtab.

Record/field/pair separators

Miller has record separators IRS and ORS, field separators IFS and OFS, and pair separators IPS and OPS. For example, in the DKVP line a=1,b=2,c=3, the record separator is newline, field separator is comma, and pair separator is the equals sign. These are the default values.


  --rs --irs --ors
  --fs --ifs --ofs --repifs
  --ps --ips --ops
  • You can change a separator from input to output via e.g. --ifs = --ofs :. Or, you can specify that the same separator is to be used for input and output via e.g. --fs :.
  • The pair separator is only relevant to DKVP format.
  • Pretty-print and xtab formats ignore the separator arguments altogether.
  • The --repifs means that multiple successive occurrences of the field separator count as one. For example, in CSV data we often signify nulls by empty strings, e.g. 2,9,,,,,6,5,4. On the other hand, if the field separator is a space, it might be more natural to parse 2 4 5 the same as 2 4 5: --repifs --ifs ' ' lets this happen. In fact, the --ipprint option above is internally implemented in terms of --repifs.
  • Just write out the desired separator, e.g. --ofs '|'. But you may use the symbolic names newline, space, tab, pipe, or semicolon if you like.

Number formatting

The command-line option --ofmt {format string} is the global number format for commands which generate numeric output, e.g. stats1, stats2, histogram, and step, as well as mlr put. Examples:

--ofmt %.9le  --ofmt %.6lf  --ofmt %.0lf

These are just C printf formats applied to double-precision numbers. Please don’t use %s or %d. Additionally, if you use leading width (e.g. %18.12lf) then the output will contain embedded whitespace, which may not be what you want if you pipe the output to something else, particularly CSV. I use Miller’s pretty-print format (mlr --opprint) to column-align numerical data.

To apply formatting to a single field, overriding the global ofmt, use fmtnum function within mlr put. For example:

$ echo 'x=3.1,y=4.3' | mlr put '$z=fmtnum($x*$y,"%08lf")'

$ echo 'x=0xffff,y=0xff' | mlr put '$z=fmtnum(int($x*$y),"%08llx")'

Input conversion from hexadecimal is done automatically on fields handled by mlr put and mlr filter as long as the field value begins with "0x". To apply output conversion to hexadecimal on a single column, you may use fmtnum, or the keystroke-saving hexfmt function. Example:

$ echo 'x=0xffff,y=0xff' | mlr put '$z=hexfmt($x*$y)'

Data transformations


Most useful for format conversions (see File formats), and concatenating multiple same-schema CSV files to have the same header:

$ cat a.csv

$ cat b.csv

$ mlr --csv cat a.csv b.csv

$ mlr --icsv --oxtab cat a.csv b.csv
a 1
b 2
c 3

a 4
b 5
c 6

a 7
b 8
c 9


$ mlr check --help
Usage: mlr check
Consumes records without printing any output.
Useful for doing a well-formatted check on input data.


$ mlr count-distinct --help
Usage: mlr count-distinct [options]
-f {a,b,c}   Field names for distinct count.
Prints number of records having distinct values for specified field names. Same as uniq -c.

$ mlr count-distinct -f a,b then sort -nr count data/medium


$ mlr cut --help
Usage: mlr cut [options]
-f {a,b,c}       Field names to include for cut.
-o               Retain fields in the order specified here in the argument list.
                 Default is to retain them in the order found in the input data.
-x|--complement  Exclude, rather that include, field names specified by -f.
Passes through input records with specified fields included/excluded.

$ mlr --opprint cat data/small
a   b   i x                   y
pan pan 1 0.3467901443380824  0.7268028627434533
eks pan 2 0.7586799647899636  0.5221511083334797
wye wye 3 0.20460330576630303 0.33831852551664776
eks wye 4 0.38139939387114097 0.13418874328430463
wye pan 5 0.5732889198020006  0.8636244699032729

$ mlr --opprint cut -f y,x,i data/small
i x                   y
1 0.3467901443380824  0.7268028627434533
2 0.7586799647899636  0.5221511083334797
3 0.20460330576630303 0.33831852551664776
4 0.38139939387114097 0.13418874328430463
5 0.5732889198020006  0.8636244699032729

$ echo 'a=1,b=2,c=3' | mlr cut -f b,c,a

$ echo 'a=1,b=2,c=3' | mlr cut -o -f b,c,a


$ mlr filter --help
Usage: mlr filter [-v] {expression}
Prints records for which {expression} evaluates to true.
With -v, first prints the AST (abstract syntax tree) for the expression, which
gives full transparency on the precedence and associativity rules of Miller's grammar.
Please use a dollar sign for field names and double-quotes for string literals.
Miller built-in variables are NF NR FNR FILENUM FILENAME PI E.
  mlr filter 'log10($count) > 4.0'
  mlr filter 'FNR == 2          (second record in each file)'
  mlr filter 'urand() < 0.001'  (subsampling)
  mlr filter '$color != "blue" && $value > 4.2'
  mlr filter '($x<.5 && $y<.5) || ($x>.5 && $y>.5)'
Please see for more information including function list.

Field names must be specified using a $ in filter and put expressions, even though they don’t appear in the data stream. For integer-indexed data, this looks like awk’s $1,$2,$3. Likewise, enclose string literals in double quotes in filter expressions even though they don’t appear in file data. In particular, mlr filter '$x=="abc"' passes through the record x=abc.

The filter command supports the same built-in variables as for put, all awk-inspired: NF, NR, FNR, FILENUM, and FILENAME. This selects the 2nd record from each matching file:

$ mlr filter 'FNR == 2' data/small*

Expressions may be arbitrarily complex:

$ mlr --opprint filter '$a == "pan" || $b == "wye"' data/small
a   b   i x                   y
pan pan 1 0.3467901443380824  0.7268028627434533
wye wye 3 0.20460330576630303 0.33831852551664776
eks wye 4 0.38139939387114097 0.13418874328430463

$ mlr --opprint filter '($x > 0.5 && $y > 0.5) || ($x < 0.5 && $y < 0.5)' then stats2 -a corr -f x,y data/medium

$ mlr --opprint filter '($x > 0.5 && $y < 0.5) || ($x < 0.5 && $y > 0.5)' then stats2 -a corr -f x,y data/medium

Newlines within the expression are ignored, which can help increase legibility of complex expressions:

mlr --opprint filter '
  ($x > 0.5 && $y < 0.5)
  ($x < 0.5 && $y > 0.5)' \
  then stats2 -a corr -f x,y data/medium


$ mlr group-by --help
Usage: mlr group-by {comma-separated field names}
Outputs records in batches having identical values at specified field names.

This is similar to sort but with less work. Namely, Miller’s sort has three steps: read through the data and append linked lists of records, one for each unique combination of the key-field values; after all records are read, sort the key-field values; then print each record-list. The group-by operation simply omits the middle sort. An example should make this more clear.

$ mlr --opprint group-by a data/small
a   b   i x                   y
pan pan 1 0.3467901443380824  0.7268028627434533
eks pan 2 0.7586799647899636  0.5221511083334797
eks wye 4 0.38139939387114097 0.13418874328430463
wye wye 3 0.20460330576630303 0.33831852551664776
wye pan 5 0.5732889198020006  0.8636244699032729

$ mlr --opprint sort -f a data/small
a   b   i x                   y
eks pan 2 0.7586799647899636  0.5221511083334797
eks wye 4 0.38139939387114097 0.13418874328430463
pan pan 1 0.3467901443380824  0.7268028627434533
wye wye 3 0.20460330576630303 0.33831852551664776
wye pan 5 0.5732889198020006  0.8636244699032729

In this example, since the sort is on field a, the first step is to group together all records having the same value for field a; the second step is to sort the distinct a-field values pan, eks, and wye into eks, pan, and wye; the third step is to print out the record-list for a=eks, then the record-list for a=pan, then the record-list for a=wye. The group-by operation omits the middle sort and just puts like records together, for those times when a sort isn’t desired. In particular, the ordering of group-by fields for group-by is the order in which they were encountered in the data stream, which in some cases may be more interesting to you.


$ mlr group-like --help
Usage: mlr group-like
Outputs records in batches having identical field names.

This groups together records having the same schema (i.e. same ordered list of field names) which is useful for making sense of time-ordered output as described in Record-heterogeneity — in particular, in preparation for CSV or pretty-print output.

$ mlr cat data/het.dkvp

$ mlr --opprint group-like data/het.dkvp
resource             loadsec ok
/path/to/file        0.45    true
/path/to/second/file 0.32    true
/some/other/path     0.97    false

record_count resource
100          /path/to/file
150          /path/to/second/file


$ mlr having-fields --help
Usage: mlr having-fields [options]
--at-least  {a,b,c}
--which-are {a,b,c}
--at-most   {a,b,c}
Conditionally passes through records depending on each record's field names.

Similar to group-like, this retains records with specified schema.

$ mlr cat data/het.dkvp

$ mlr having-fields --at-least resource data/het.dkvp

$ mlr having-fields --which-are resource,ok,loadsec data/het.dkvp


$ mlr head --help
Usage: mlr head [options]
-n {count}    Head count to print; default 10
-g {a,b,c}    Optional group-by-field names for head counts
Passes through the first n records, optionally by category.

Note that head is distinct from tophead shows fields which appear first in the data stream; top shows fields which are numerically largest (or smallest).

$ mlr --opprint head -n 4 data/medium
a   b   i x                   y
pan pan 1 0.3467901443380824  0.7268028627434533
eks pan 2 0.7586799647899636  0.5221511083334797
wye wye 3 0.20460330576630303 0.33831852551664776
eks wye 4 0.38139939387114097 0.13418874328430463

$ mlr --opprint head -n 1 -g b data/medium
a   b   i  x                   y
pan pan 1  0.3467901443380824  0.7268028627434533
wye wye 3  0.20460330576630303 0.33831852551664776
eks zee 7  0.6117840605678454  0.1878849191181694
zee eks 17 0.29081949506712723 0.054478717073354166
wye hat 24 0.7286126830627567  0.19441962592638418


$ mlr histogram --help
Usage: mlr histogram [options]
-f {a,b,c}    Value-field names for histogram counts
--lo {lo}     Histogram low value
--hi {hi}     Histogram high value
--nbins {n}   Number of histogram bins
Just a histogram. Input values < lo or > hi are not counted.

This is just a histogram; there’s not too much to say here. A note about binning, by example: Suppose you use --lo 0.0 --hi 1.0 --nbins 10 -f x. The input numbers less than 0 or greater than 1 aren’t counted in any bin. Input numbers equal to 1 are counted in the last bin. That is, bin 0 has 0.0 ≤ x < 0.1, bin 1 has 0.1 ≤ x < 0.2, etc., but bin 9 has 0.9 ≤ x ≤ 1.0.

$ mlr --opprint put '$x2=$x**2;$x3=$x2*$x' then histogram -f x,x2,x3 --lo 0 --hi 1 --nbins 10 data/medium
bin_lo   bin_hi   x_count x2_count x3_count
0.000000 0.100000 1072    3231     4661
0.100000 0.200000 938     1254     1184
0.200000 0.300000 1037    988      845
0.300000 0.400000 988     832      676
0.400000 0.500000 950     774      576
0.500000 0.600000 1002    692      476
0.600000 0.700000 1007    591      438
0.700000 0.800000 1007    560      420
0.800000 0.900000 986     571      383
0.900000 1.000000 1013    507      341


$ mlr join --help
Usage: mlr join [options]
Joins records from specified left file name with records from all file names at the end of the Miller argument list.
Functionality is essentially the same as the system "join" command, but for record streams.
  -f {left file name}
  -j {a,b,c}   Comma-separated join-field names for output
  -l {a,b,c}   Comma-separated join-field names for left input file; defaults to -j values if omitted.
  -r {a,b,c}   Comma-separated join-field names for right input file(s); defaults to -j values if omitted.
  --lp {text}  Additional prefix for non-join output field names from the left file
  --rp {text}  Additional prefix for non-join output field names from the right file(s)
  --np         Do not emit paired records
  --ul         Emit unpaired records from the left file
  --ur         Emit unpaired records from the right file(s)
  -u           Enable unsorted input. In this case, the entire left file will be loaded into memory.
               Without -u, records must be sorted lexically by their join-field names, else not all
               records will be paired.
File-format options default to those for the right file names on the Miller argument list, but may be overridden
for the left file as follows. Please see the main "mlr --help" for more information on syntax for these arguments.
  -i {one of csv,dkvp,nidx,pprint,xtab}
  --irs {record-separator character}
  --ifs {field-separator character}
  --ips {pair-separator character}
Please see for more information including examples.


Join larger table with IDs with smaller ID-to-name lookup table, showing only paired records:

$ mlr --icsv --opprint cat data/join-left-example.csv
id  name
100 alice
200 bob
300 carol
400 david
500 edgar

$ mlr --icsv --opprint cat data/join-right-example.csv
status  idcode
present 400
present 100
missing 200
present 100
present 200
missing 100
missing 200
present 300
missing 600
present 400
present 400
present 300
present 100
missing 400
present 200
present 200
present 200
present 200
present 400
present 300

$ mlr --icsv --opprint join -u -j id -r idcode -f data/join-left-example.csv data/join-right-example.csv
id  name  status
400 david present
100 alice present
200 bob   missing
100 alice present
200 bob   present
100 alice missing
200 bob   missing
300 carol present
400 david present
400 david present
300 carol present
100 alice present
400 david missing
200 bob   present
200 bob   present
200 bob   present
200 bob   present
400 david present
300 carol present

Same, but with sorting the input first:

$ mlr --icsv --opprint sort -f idcode then join -j id -r idcode -f data/join-left-example.csv data/join-right-example.csv
id  name  status
100 alice present
100 alice present
100 alice missing
100 alice present
200 bob   missing
200 bob   present
200 bob   missing
200 bob   present
200 bob   present
200 bob   present
200 bob   present
300 carol present
300 carol present
300 carol present
400 david present
400 david present
400 david present
400 david missing
400 david present

Same, but showing only unpaired records:

$ mlr --icsv --opprint join --np --ul --ur -u -j id -r idcode -f data/join-left-example.csv data/join-right-example.csv
status  idcode
missing 600

id  name
500 edgar

Use prefixing options to disambiguate between otherwise identical non-join field names:

$ mlr --csv --opprint cat data/self-join.csv data/self-join.csv
a b c
1 2 3
1 4 5
1 2 3
1 4 5

$ mlr --csv --opprint join -j a --lp left_ --rp right_ -f data/self-join.csv data/self-join.csv
a left_b left_c right_b right_c
1 2      3      2       3
1 4      5      2       3
1 2      3      4       5
1 4      5      4       5

Use zero join columns:

$ mlr --csv --opprint join -j "" --lp left_ --rp right_ -f data/self-join.csv data/self-join.csv
left_a left_b left_c right_a right_b right_c
1      2      3      1       2       3
1      4      5      1       2       3
1      2      3      1       4       5
1      4      5      1       4       5


$ mlr label --help
Usage: mlr label {new1,new2,new3,...}
Given n comma-separated names, renames the first n fields of each record to
have the respective name. (Fields past the nth are left with their original
names.) Particularly useful with --inidx, to give useful names to otherwise
integer-indexed fields.

See also rename.

Example: Files such as /etc/passwd, /etc/group, and so on have implicit field names which are found in section-5 manpages. These field names may be made explicit as follows:

% grep -v '^#' /etc/passwd | mlr --nidx --fs : --opprint label name,password,uid,gid,gecos,home_dir,shell | head
name                  password uid gid gecos                         home_dir           shell
nobody                *        -2  -2  Unprivileged User             /var/empty         /usr/bin/false
root                  *        0   0   System Administrator          /var/root          /bin/sh
daemon                *        1   1   System Services               /var/root          /usr/bin/false
_uucp                 *        4   4   Unix to Unix Copy Protocol    /var/spool/uucp    /usr/sbin/uucico
_taskgated            *        13  13  Task Gate Daemon              /var/empty         /usr/bin/false
_networkd             *        24  24  Network Services              /var/networkd      /usr/bin/false
_installassistant     *        25  25  Install Assistant             /var/empty         /usr/bin/false
_lp                   *        26  26  Printing Services             /var/spool/cups    /usr/bin/false
_postfix              *        27  27  Postfix Mail Server           /var/spool/postfix /usr/bin/false


$ mlr put --help
Usage: mlr put [-v] {expression}
Adds/updates specified field(s).
With -v, first prints the AST (abstract syntax tree) for the expression, which
gives full transparency on the precedence and associativity rules of Miller's grammar.
Please use a dollar sign for field names and double-quotes for string literals.
Miller built-in variables are NF NR FNR FILENUM FILENAME PI E.
Multiple assignments may be separated with a semicolon.
  mlr put '$y = log10($x); $z = sqrt($y)'
  mlr put '$filename = FILENAME'
  mlr put '$colored_shape = $color . "_" . $shape'
  mlr put '$y = cos($theta); $z = atan2($y, $x)'
Please see for more information including function list.

Field names must be specified using a $ in filter and put expressions, even though they don’t appear in the data stream. For integer-indexed data, this looks like awk’s $1,$2,$3. Likewise, enclose string literals in double quotes in put expressions even though they don’t appear in file data. In particular, mlr put '$x=="abc"' creates the field x=abc.

Multiple expressions may be given, separated by semicolons, and each may refer to the ones before:

$ ruby -e '10.times{|i|puts "i=#{i}"}' | mlr --opprint put '$j=$i+1;$k=$i+$j'
i j         k
0 1.000000  1.000000
1 2.000000  3.000000
2 3.000000  5.000000
3 4.000000  7.000000
4 5.000000  9.000000
5 6.000000  11.000000
6 7.000000  13.000000
7 8.000000  15.000000
8 9.000000  17.000000
9 10.000000 19.000000

Miller supports the following five built-in variables for filter and put, all awk-inspired: NF, NR, FNR, FILENUM, and FILENAME.

$ mlr --opprint put '$nf=NF; $nr=NR; $fnr=FNR; $filenum=FILENUM; $filename=FILENAME' data/small data/small2
a   b   i     x                    y                    nf nr fnr filenum filename
pan pan 1     0.3467901443380824   0.7268028627434533   5  1  1   1       data/small
eks pan 2     0.7586799647899636   0.5221511083334797   5  2  2   1       data/small
wye wye 3     0.20460330576630303  0.33831852551664776  5  3  3   1       data/small
eks wye 4     0.38139939387114097  0.13418874328430463  5  4  4   1       data/small
wye pan 5     0.5732889198020006   0.8636244699032729   5  5  5   1       data/small
pan eks 9999  0.267481232652199086 0.557077185510228001 5  6  1   2       data/small2
wye eks 10000 0.734806020620654365 0.884788571337605134 5  7  2   2       data/small2
pan wye 10001 0.870530722602517626 0.009854780514656930 5  8  3   2       data/small2
hat wye 10002 0.321507044286237609 0.568893318795083758 5  9  4   2       data/small2
pan zee 10003 0.272054845593895200 0.425789896597056627 5  10 5   2       data/small2

Newlines within the expression are ignored, which can help increase legibility of complex expressions:

mlr --opprint put '
  $nf       = NF;
  $nr       = NR;
  $fnr      = FNR;
  $filenum  = FILENUM;
  $filename = FILENAME' \
  data/small data/small2


$ mlr regularize --help
Usage: mlr regularize
For records seen earlier in the data stream with same field names in a different order,
outputs them with field names in the previously encountered order.
Example: input records a=1,c=2,b=3, then e=4,d=5, then c=7,a=6,b=8
output as              a=1,c=2,b=3, then e=4,d=5, then a=6,c=7,b=8

This exists since hash-map software in various languages and tools encountered in the wild does not always print similar rows with fields in the same order: mlr regularize helps clean that up.

See also reorder.


$ mlr rename --help
Usage: mlr rename {old1,new1,old2,new2,...}
Renames specified fields.

$ mlr --opprint cat data/small
a   b   i x                   y
pan pan 1 0.3467901443380824  0.7268028627434533
eks pan 2 0.7586799647899636  0.5221511083334797
wye wye 3 0.20460330576630303 0.33831852551664776
eks wye 4 0.38139939387114097 0.13418874328430463
wye pan 5 0.5732889198020006  0.8636244699032729

$ mlr --opprint rename i,INDEX,b,COLUMN2 data/small
a   COLUMN2 INDEX x                   y
pan pan     1     0.3467901443380824  0.7268028627434533
eks pan     2     0.7586799647899636  0.5221511083334797
wye wye     3     0.20460330576630303 0.33831852551664776
eks wye     4     0.38139939387114097 0.13418874328430463
wye pan     5     0.5732889198020006  0.8636244699032729

As discussed in Performance, sed is significantly faster than Miller at doing this. However, Miller is format-aware, so it knows to do renames only within specified field keys and not any others, nor in field values which may happen to contain the same pattern. Example:

$ sed 's/y/COLUMN5/g' data/small

$ mlr rename y,COLUMN5 data/small

See also label.


$ mlr reorder --help
Usage: mlr reorder [options]
-f {a,b,c}   Field names to reorder.
-e           Put specified field names at record end: default is to put at record start.
Example: mlr reorder    -f a,b sends input record "d=4,b=2,a=1,c=3" to "a=1,b=2,d=4,c=3".
Example: mlr reorder -e -f a,b sends input record "d=4,b=2,a=1,c=3" to "d=4,c=3,a=1,b=2".

This pivots specified field names to the start or end of the record — for example when you have highly multi-column data and you want to bring a field or two to the front of line where you can give a quick visual scan.

$ mlr --opprint cat data/small
a   b   i x                   y
pan pan 1 0.3467901443380824  0.7268028627434533
eks pan 2 0.7586799647899636  0.5221511083334797
wye wye 3 0.20460330576630303 0.33831852551664776
eks wye 4 0.38139939387114097 0.13418874328430463
wye pan 5 0.5732889198020006  0.8636244699032729

$ mlr --opprint reorder -f i,b data/small
i b   a   x                   y
1 pan pan 0.3467901443380824  0.7268028627434533
2 pan eks 0.7586799647899636  0.5221511083334797
3 wye wye 0.20460330576630303 0.33831852551664776
4 wye eks 0.38139939387114097 0.13418874328430463
5 pan wye 0.5732889198020006  0.8636244699032729

$ mlr --opprint reorder -e -f i,b data/small
a   x                   y                   i b
pan 0.3467901443380824  0.7268028627434533  1 pan
eks 0.7586799647899636  0.5221511083334797  2 pan
wye 0.20460330576630303 0.33831852551664776 3 wye
eks 0.38139939387114097 0.13418874328430463 4 wye
wye 0.5732889198020006  0.8636244699032729  5 pan


$ mlr sort --help
Usage: mlr sort {flags}
  -f  {comma-separated field names}  Lexical ascending
  -n  {comma-separated field names}  Numerical ascending; nulls sort last
  -nf {comma-separated field names}  Numerical ascending; nulls sort last
  -r  {comma-separated field names}  Lexical descending
  -nr {comma-separated field names}  Numerical descending; nulls sort first
Sorts records primarily by the first specified field, secondarily by the second field, and so on.
  mlr sort -f a,b -nr x,y,z
which is the same as:
  mlr sort -f a -f b -nr x -nr y -nr z


$ mlr --opprint sort -f a -nr x data/small
a   b   i x                   y
eks pan 2 0.7586799647899636  0.5221511083334797
eks wye 4 0.38139939387114097 0.13418874328430463
pan pan 1 0.3467901443380824  0.7268028627434533
wye pan 5 0.5732889198020006  0.8636244699032729
wye wye 3 0.20460330576630303 0.33831852551664776

Here’s an example filtering log data: suppose multiple threads (labeled here by color) are all logging progress counts to a single log file. The log file is (by nature) chronological, so the progress of various threads is interleaved:

$ head -n 10 data/multicountdown.dat

We can group these by thread by sorting on the thread ID (here, color). Since Miller’s sort is stable, this means that timestamps within each thread’s log data are still chronological:

$ head -n 20 data/multicountdown.dat | mlr --opprint sort -f color
upsec              color  count
0.395              blue   2697
0.671              blue   2684
1.093              blue   2662
2.064              blue   2659
2.2880000000000003 blue   2647
0.002              green  1203
1.407              green  1187
1.448              green  1177
2.313              green  1161
0.526              purple 953
0.899              purple 926
1.327              purple 917
1.703              purple 908
0.083              red    3817
0.188              red    3801
0.912              red    3798
1.416              red    3788
1.587              red    3782
1.601              red    3755
1.832              red    3717


$ mlr stats1 --help
Usage: mlr stats1 [options]
-a {sum,count,...}  Names of accumulators: p10 p25.2 p50 p98 p100 etc. and/or one or more of
                    count mode sum mean stddev var meaneb min max
-f {a,b,c}          Value-field names on which to compute statistics
-g {d,e,f}          Optional group-by-field names
Example: mlr stats1 -a min,p10,p50,p90,max -f value -g size,shape
Example: mlr stats1 -a count,mode -f size
Example: mlr stats1 -a count,mode -f size -g shape
* p50 is a synonym for median.
* min and max output the same results as p0 and p100, respectively, but use less memory.
* count and mode allow text input; the rest require numeric input. In particular, 1 and 1.0
  are distinct text for count and mode.
* When there are mode ties, the first-encountered datum wins.

These are simple univariate statistics on one or more number-valued fields (count and mode apply to non-numeric fields as well), optionally categorized by one or more other fields.

$ mlr --oxtab stats1 -a count,sum,min,p10,p50,mean,p90,max -f x,y data/medium
x_count 10000
x_sum   4986.019682
x_min   0.000045
x_p10   0.093322
x_p50   0.501159
x_mean  0.498602
x_p90   0.900794
x_max   0.999953
y_count 10000
y_sum   5062.057445
y_min   0.000088
y_p10   0.102132
y_p50   0.506021
y_mean  0.506206
y_p90   0.905366
y_max   0.999965

$ mlr --opprint stats1 -a mean -f x,y -g b then sort -f b data/medium
b   x_mean   y_mean
eks 0.506361 0.510293
hat 0.487899 0.513118
pan 0.497304 0.499599
wye 0.497593 0.504596
zee 0.504242 0.502997

$ mlr --opprint stats1 -a p50,p99 -f u,v -g color then put '$ur=$u_p99/$u_p50;$vr=$v_p99/$v_p50' data/colored-shapes.dkvp
color  u_p50    u_p99    v_p50    v_p99    ur       vr
green  0.505848 0.990764 0.500787 0.989642 1.958620 1.976174
red    0.500564 0.989587 0.500415 0.996280 1.976944 1.990908
yellow 0.506272 0.989401 0.502912 0.989215 1.954287 1.966974
blue   0.506270 0.990783 0.490120 0.990957 1.957025 2.021866
purple 0.500051 0.990108 0.505464 0.990086 1.980014 1.958767
orange 0.488821 0.991091 0.491891 0.991451 2.027513 2.015591

$ mlr --opprint count-distinct -f shape then sort -nr count data/colored-shapes.dkvp
shape    count
square   41588
triangle 33477
circle   24935

$ mlr --opprint stats1 -a mode -f color -g shape data/colored-shapes.dkvp
shape    color_mode
circle   red
square   red
triangle red


$ mlr stats2 --help
Usage: mlr stats2 [options]
-a {linreg-ols,corr,...}  Names of accumulators: one or more of
                          linreg-pca linreg-ols r2 corr cov covx
                          r2 is a quality metric for linreg-ols; linrec-pca outputs its own quality metric.
-f {a,b,c,d}              Value-field name-pairs on which to compute statistics.
                          There must be an even number of names.
-g {e,f,g}                Optional group-by-field names.
-v                        Print additional output for linreg-pca.
Example: mlr stats2 -a linreg-pca -f x,y
Example: mlr stats2 -a linreg-ols,r2 -f x,y -g size,shape
Example: mlr stats2 -a corr -f x,y

These are simple bivariate statistics on one or more pairs of number-valued fields, optionally categorized by one or more fields.

$ mlr --oxtab put '$x2=$x*$x; $xy=$x*$y; $y2=$y**2' then stats2 -a cov,corr -f x,y,y,y,x2,xy,x2,y2 data/medium
x_y_cov    0.000043
x_y_corr   0.000504
y_y_cov    0.084611
y_y_corr   1.000000
x2_xy_cov  0.041884
x2_xy_corr 0.630174
x2_y2_cov  -0.000310
x2_y2_corr -0.003425

$ mlr --opprint put '$x2=$x*$x; $xy=$x*$y; $y2=$y**2' then stats2 -a linreg-ols,r2 -f x,y,y,y,xy,y2 -g a data/medium
a   x_y_ols_m x_y_ols_b x_y_ols_n x_y_r2   y_y_ols_m y_y_ols_b y_y_ols_n y_y_r2   xy_y2_ols_m xy_y2_ols_b xy_y2_ols_n xy_y2_r2
pan 0.017026  0.500403  2081      0.000287 1.000000  0.000000  2081      1.000000 0.878132    0.119082    2081        0.417498
eks 0.040780  0.481402  1965      0.001646 1.000000  0.000000  1965      1.000000 0.897873    0.107341    1965        0.455632
wye -0.039153 0.525510  1966      0.001505 1.000000  0.000000  1966      1.000000 0.853832    0.126745    1966        0.389917
zee 0.002781  0.504307  2047      0.000008 1.000000  0.000000  2047      1.000000 0.852444    0.124017    2047        0.393566
hat -0.018621 0.517901  1941      0.000352 1.000000  0.000000  1941      1.000000 0.841230    0.135573    1941        0.368794

Here’s an example simple line-fit. The x and y fields of the data/medium dataset are just independent uniformly distributed on the unit interval. Here we remove half the data and fit a line to it.

mlr filter '($x<.5 && $y<.5) || ($x>.5 && $y>.5)' data/medium > data/medium-squares

mlr --ofs newline stats2 -a linreg-pca -f x,y data/medium-squares

# Set x_y_pca_m and x_y_pca_b as shell variables
eval $(mlr --ofs newline stats2 -a linreg-pca -f x,y data/medium-squares)

# In addition to x and y, make a new yfit which is the line fit. Plot using your favorite tool.
mlr --onidx put '$yfit='$x_y_pca_m'*$x+'$x_y_pca_b then cut -x -f a,b,i data/medium-squares \
  | pgr -p -title 'linreg-pca example' -xmin 0 -xmax 1 -ymin 0 -ymax 1

I use pgr for plotting; here’s a screenshot.

(Thanks Drew Kunas for a good conversation about PCA!)

Here’s an example estimating time-to-completion for a set of jobs. Input data comes from a log file, with number of work units left to do in the count field and accumulated seconds in the upsec field, labeled by the color field:

$ head -n 10 data/multicountdown.dat

We can do a linear regression on count remaining as a function of time: with c = m*u+b we want to find the time when the count goes to zero, i.e. u=-b/m.

$ mlr --oxtab stats2 -a linreg-pca -f upsec,count -g color then put '$donesec = -$upsec_count_pca_b/$upsec_count_pca_m' data/multicountdown.dat
color                   green
upsec_count_pca_m       -32.756917
upsec_count_pca_b       1213.722730
upsec_count_pca_n       24
upsec_count_pca_quality 0.999984
donesec                 37.052410

color                   red
upsec_count_pca_m       -37.367646
upsec_count_pca_b       3810.133400
upsec_count_pca_n       30
upsec_count_pca_quality 0.999989
donesec                 101.963431

color                   blue
upsec_count_pca_m       -29.231212
upsec_count_pca_b       2698.932820
upsec_count_pca_n       25
upsec_count_pca_quality 0.999959
donesec                 92.330514

color                   purple
upsec_count_pca_m       -39.030097
upsec_count_pca_b       979.988341
upsec_count_pca_n       21
upsec_count_pca_quality 0.999991
donesec                 25.108529


$ mlr step --help
Usage: mlr step [options]
-a {delta,rsum,...}   Names of steppers: one or more of
                      delta rsum counter
-f {a,b,c}            Value-field names on which to compute statistics
-g {d,e,f}            Group-by-field names
Computes values dependent on the previous record, optionally grouped by category.

Most Miller commands are record-at-a-time, with the exception of stats1, stats2, and histogram which compute aggregate output. The step command is intermediate: it allows the option of adding fields which are functions of fields from previous records. Rsum is short for running sum.

$ mlr --opprint step -a delta,rsum,counter -f x data/medium | head -15
a   b   i     x                      y                      x_delta   x_rsum      x_counter
pan pan 1     0.3467901443380824     0.7268028627434533     0.346790  0.346790    1
eks pan 2     0.7586799647899636     0.5221511083334797     0.411890  1.105470    2
wye wye 3     0.20460330576630303    0.33831852551664776    -0.554077 1.310073    3
eks wye 4     0.38139939387114097    0.13418874328430463    0.176796  1.691473    4
wye pan 5     0.5732889198020006     0.8636244699032729     0.191890  2.264762    5
zee pan 6     0.5271261600918548     0.49322128674835697    -0.046163 2.791888    6
eks zee 7     0.6117840605678454     0.1878849191181694     0.084658  3.403672    7
zee wye 8     0.5985540091064224     0.976181385699006      -0.013230 4.002226    8
hat wye 9     0.03144187646093577    0.7495507603507059     -0.567112 4.033668    9
pan wye 10    0.5026260055412137     0.9526183602969864     0.471184  4.536294    10
pan pan 11    0.7930488423451967     0.6505816637259333     0.290423  5.329343    11
zee pan 12    0.3676141320555616     0.23614420670296965    -0.425435 5.696957    12
eks pan 13    0.4915175580479536     0.7709126592971468     0.123903  6.188474    13
eks zee 14    0.5207382318405251     0.34141681118811673    0.029221  6.709213    14

$ mlr --opprint step -a delta,rsum,counter -f x -g a data/medium | head -15
a   b   i     x                      y                      x_delta   x_rsum      x_counter
pan pan 1     0.3467901443380824     0.7268028627434533     0.346790  0.346790    1
eks pan 2     0.7586799647899636     0.5221511083334797     0.758680  0.758680    1
wye wye 3     0.20460330576630303    0.33831852551664776    0.204603  0.204603    1
eks wye 4     0.38139939387114097    0.13418874328430463    -0.377281 1.140079    2
wye pan 5     0.5732889198020006     0.8636244699032729     0.368686  0.777892    2
zee pan 6     0.5271261600918548     0.49322128674835697    0.527126  0.527126    1
eks zee 7     0.6117840605678454     0.1878849191181694     0.230385  1.751863    3
zee wye 8     0.5985540091064224     0.976181385699006      0.071428  1.125680    2
hat wye 9     0.03144187646093577    0.7495507603507059     0.031442  0.031442    1
pan wye 10    0.5026260055412137     0.9526183602969864     0.155836  0.849416    2
pan pan 11    0.7930488423451967     0.6505816637259333     0.290423  1.642465    3
zee pan 12    0.3676141320555616     0.23614420670296965    -0.230940 1.493294    3
eks pan 13    0.4915175580479536     0.7709126592971468     -0.120267 2.243381    4
eks zee 14    0.5207382318405251     0.34141681118811673    0.029221  2.764119    5

Example deriving uptime-delta from system uptime:

$ each 10 uptime | mlr -p step -a delta -f 11
20:08 up 36 days, 10:38, 5 users, load averages: 1.42 1.62 1.73 0.000000
20:08 up 36 days, 10:38, 5 users, load averages: 1.55 1.64 1.74 0.020000
20:08 up 36 days, 10:38, 7 users, load averages: 1.58 1.65 1.74 0.010000
20:08 up 36 days, 10:38, 9 users, load averages: 1.78 1.69 1.76 0.040000
20:08 up 36 days, 10:39, 9 users, load averages: 2.12 1.76 1.78 0.070000
20:08 up 36 days, 10:39, 9 users, load averages: 2.51 1.85 1.81 0.090000
20:08 up 36 days, 10:39, 8 users, load averages: 2.79 1.92 1.83 0.070000
20:08 up 36 days, 10:39, 4 users, load averages: 2.64 1.90 1.83 -0.020000


$ mlr tac --help
Usage: mlr tac
Prints records in reverse order from the order in which they were encountered.

Prints the records in the input stream in reverse order. Note: this requires Miller to retain all input records in memory before any output records are produced.

$ mlr --icsv --opprint cat a.csv
a b c
1 2 3
4 5 6

$ mlr --icsv --opprint cat b.csv
a b c
7 8 9

$ mlr --icsv --opprint tac a.csv b.csv
a b c
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3

$ mlr --icsv --opprint put '$filename=FILENAME' then tac a.csv b.csv
a b c filename
7 8 9 b.csv
4 5 6 a.csv
1 2 3 a.csv


$ mlr tail --help
Usage: mlr tail [options]
-n {count}    Tail count to print; default 10
-g {a,b,c}    Optional group-by-field names for tail counts
Passes through the last n records, optionally by category.

Prints the last n records in the input stream, optionally by category.

$ mlr --opprint tail -n 4 data/colored-shapes.dkvp
color  shape    flag i      u                  v                  w                   x
yellow circle   1    99997  0.5228034832314841 0.7478634261534541 0.49477944033468396 6.085638633037881
red    triangle 0    99998  0.8566019561040149 0.5583785393850178 0.4993735796215503  6.393409471109115
yellow triangle 1    99999  0.5369350176939407 0.5197619334387739 0.5064468446479313  3.2682256831629695
green  square   0    100000 0.0277485352321325 0.5303062901341336 0.5274344049261097  5.806843329974349

$ mlr --opprint tail -n 1 -g shape data/colored-shapes.dkvp
color  shape    flag i      u                  v                  w                   x
yellow circle   1    99997  0.5228034832314841 0.7478634261534541 0.49477944033468396 6.085638633037881
green  square   0    100000 0.0277485352321325 0.5303062901341336 0.5274344049261097  5.806843329974349
yellow triangle 1    99999  0.5369350176939407 0.5197619334387739 0.5064468446479313  3.2682256831629695


$ mlr top --help
Usage: mlr top [options]
-f {a,b,c}    Value-field names for top counts
-g {d,e,f}    Optional group-by-field names for top counts
-n {count}    How many records to print per category; default 1
-a            Print all fields for top-value records; default is
              to print only value and group-by fields.
--min         Print top smallest values; default is top largest values
Prints the n records with smallest/largest values at specified fields, optionally by category.

Note that top is distinct from headhead shows fields which appear first in the data stream; top shows fields which are numerically largest (or smallest).

$ mlr --opprint top -n 4 -f x data/medium
top_idx x_top
1       0.999953
2       0.999823
3       0.999733
4       0.999563

$ mlr --opprint top -n 2 -f x -g a then sort -f a data/medium
a   top_idx x_top
eks 1       0.998811
eks 2       0.998534
hat 1       0.999953
hat 2       0.999733
pan 1       0.999403
pan 2       0.999044
wye 1       0.999823
wye 2       0.999264
zee 1       0.999490
zee 2       0.999438


$ mlr uniq --help
Usage: mlr uniq [options]
-g {d,e,f}    Group-by-field names for uniq counts
-c            Show repeat counts in addition to unique values
Prints distinct values for specified field names. With -c, same as count-distinct.

$ wc -l data/colored-shapes.dkvp
  100000 data/colored-shapes.dkvp

$ mlr uniq -g color,shape data/colored-shapes.dkvp

$ mlr --opprint uniq -g color,shape -c then sort -f color,shape data/colored-shapes.dkvp
color  shape    count
blue   circle   3578
blue   square   6016
blue   triangle 4843
green  circle   2832
green  square   4678
green  triangle 3924
orange circle   705
orange square   1196
orange triangle 954
purple circle   2861
purple square   4808
purple triangle 3841
red    circle   11477
red    square   19051
red    triangle 15248
yellow circle   3482
yellow square   5839
yellow triangle 4667

Functions for filter and put

$ mlr --help-all-functions
abs        (math:       #args=1): Absolute value.
acos       (math:       #args=1): Inverse trigonometric cosine.
acosh      (math:       #args=1): Inverse hyperbolic cosine.
asin       (math:       #args=1): Inverse trigonometric sine.
asinh      (math:       #args=1): Inverse hyperbolic sine.
atan       (math:       #args=1): One-argument arctangent.
atan2      (math:       #args=2): Two-argument arctangent.
atanh      (math:       #args=1): Inverse hyperbolic tangent.
cbrt       (math:       #args=1): Cube root.
ceil       (math:       #args=1): Ceiling: nearest integer at or above.
cos        (math:       #args=1): Trigonometric cosine.
cosh       (math:       #args=1): Hyperbolic cosine.
erf        (math:       #args=1): Error function.
erfc       (math:       #args=1): Complementary error function.
exp        (math:       #args=1): Exponential function e**x.
expm1      (math:       #args=1): e**x - 1.
floor      (math:       #args=1): Floor: nearest integer at or below.
invqnorm   (math:       #args=1): Inverse of normal cumulative distribution function. Note that invqorm(urand()) is normally distributed.
log        (math:       #args=1): Natural (base-e) logarithm.
log10      (math:       #args=1): Base-10 logarithm.
log1p      (math:       #args=1): log(1-x).
max        (math:       #args=2): max of two numbers; null loses
min        (math:       #args=2): min of two numbers; null loses
pow        (math:       #args=2): Exponentiation; same as **.
qnorm      (math:       #args=1): Normal cumulative distribution function.
round      (math:       #args=1): Round to nearest integer.
roundm     (math:       #args=2): Round to nearest multiple of m: roundm($x,$m) is the same as round($x/$m)*$m
sin        (math:       #args=1): Trigonometric sine.
sinh       (math:       #args=1): Hyperbolic sine.
sqrt       (math:       #args=1): Square root.
tan        (math:       #args=1): Trigonometric tangent.
tanh       (math:       #args=1): Hyperbolic tangent.
urand      (math:       #args=0): Floating-point numbers on the unit interval. Int-valued example: '$n=floor(20+urand()*11)'.
+          (math:       #args=2): Addition.
-          (math:       #args=1): Unary minus.
-          (math:       #args=2): Subtraction.
*          (math:       #args=2): Multiplication.
/          (math:       #args=2): Division.
%          (math:       #args=2): Remainder; never negative-valued.
**         (math:       #args=2): Exponentiation; same as pow.
==         (boolean:    #args=2): String/numeric equality. Mixing number and string results in string compare.
!=         (boolean:    #args=2): String/numeric inequality. Mixing number and string results in string compare.
>          (boolean:    #args=2): String/numeric greater-than. Mixing number and string results in string compare.
>=         (boolean:    #args=2): String/numeric greater-than-or-equals. Mixing number and string results in string compare.
<          (boolean:    #args=2): String/numeric less-than. Mixing number and string results in string compare.
<=         (boolean:    #args=2): String/numeric less-than-or-equals. Mixing number and string results in string compare.
&&         (boolean:    #args=2): Logical AND.
||         (boolean:    #args=2): Logical OR.
!          (boolean:    #args=1): Logical negation.
strlen     (string:     #args=1): String length.
sub        (string:     #args=3): Example: '$name=sub($name, "old", "new")'. Regexes not supported.
tolower    (string:     #args=1): Convert string to lowercase.
toupper    (string:     #args=1): Convert string to uppercase.
.          (string:     #args=2): String concatenation.
boolean    (conversion: #args=1): Convert int/float/bool/string to boolean.
float      (conversion: #args=1): Convert int/float/bool/string to float.
int        (conversion: #args=1): Convert int/float/bool/string to int.
string     (conversion: #args=1): Convert int/float/bool/string to string.
hexfmt     (conversion: #args=1): Convert int to string, e.g. 255 to "0xff".
fmtnum     (conversion: #args=2): Convert int/float/bool to string using printf-style format string, e.g. "%06lld".
gmt2sec    (time:       #args=1): Parses GMT timestamp as integer seconds since epoch.
sec2gmt    (time:       #args=1): Formats seconds since epoch (integer part only) as GMT timestamp.
systime    (time:       #args=0): Floating-point seconds since the epoch.
To set the seed for urand, you may specify decimal or hexadecimal 32-bit
numbers of the form "mlr --seed 123456789" or "mlr --seed 0xcafefeed".
Miller's built-in variables are NF, NR, FNR, FILENUM, and FILENAME (awk-like)
along with the mathematical constants PI and E.

Data types

Miller’s input and output are all string-oriented: there is (as of August 2015 anyway) no support for binary record packing. In this sense, everything is a string in and out of Miller. During processing, field names are always strings, even if they have names like "3"; field values are usually strings. Field values’ ability to be interpreted as a non-string type only has meaning when comparison or function operations are done on them. And it is an error condition if Miller encounters non-numeric (or otherwise mistyped) data in a field in which it has been asked to do numeric (or otherwise type-specific) operations.

Field values are treated as numeric for the following:

  • Numeric sort: mlr sort -n, mlr sort -nr.
  • Statistics: mlr histogram, mlr stats1, mlr stats2.
  • Cross-record arithmetic: mlr step.

For mlr put and mlr filter:

  • Miller’s types for function processing are null (empty string), error, string, float (double-precision), int (64-bit signed), and boolean.
  • On input, string values representable as numbers (e.g. "3" or "3.1") are treated as float. If a record has x=1,y=2 then mlr put '$z=$x+$y' will produce x=1,y=2,z=3, and mlr put '$z=$x.$y' gives an error. To coerce back to string for processing, use the string function: mlr put '$z=string($x).string($y)' will produce x=1,y=2,z=12.
  • On input, string values representable as boolean (e.g. "true", "false") are not automatically treated as boolean. (This is because "true" and "false" are ordinary words, and auto string-to-boolean on a column consisting of words would result in some strings mixed with some booleans.) Use the boolean function to coerce: e.g. giving the record x=1,y=2,w=false to mlr put '$z=($x<$y) || boolean($w)'.
  • Functions take types as described in mlr --help-all-functions: for example, log10 takes float input and produces float output, gmt2sec maps string to int, and sec2gmt maps int to string.
  • All math functions described in mlr --help-all-functions take integer as well as float input.

Null data

One of Miller’s key features is its support for heterogeneous data. Accordingly, if you try to sort on field hostname when not all records in the data stream have a field named hostname, it is not an error (although you could pre-filter the data stream using mlr having-fields --at-least hostname then sort ...). Rather, records lacking one or more sort keys are simply output contiguously by mlr sort.

Field values may also be null by being specified with present key but empty value: e.g. sending x=,y=2 to mlr put '$z=$x+$y'.

Rules for null-handling:

  • Records with one or more null sort-field values sort after records with all sort-field values present:

    $ mlr --opprint cat data/sort-null.dat
    a b
    3 2
    1 8
    - 4
    5 7

    $ mlr --opprint sort -n  a data/sort-null.dat
    a b
    1 8
    3 2
    5 7
    - 4

    $ mlr --opprint sort -nr a data/sort-null.dat
    a b
    - 4
    5 7
    3 2
    1 8

  • Functions which have one or more null arguments produce null output: e.g.

    $ echo 'x=2,y=3' | mlr put '$a=$x+$y'

    $ echo 'x=,y=3' | mlr put '$a=$x+$y'

    $ echo 'x=,y=3' | mlr put '$a=log($x);$b=log($y)'

  • The min and max functions are special: if one argument is non-null, it wins:

    $ echo 'x=,y=3' | mlr put '$a=min($x,$y);$b=max($x,$y)'