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In-place mode

Use the mlr -I flag to process files in-place. For example, mlr -I --csv cut -x -f unwanted_column_name mydata/*.csv will remove unwanted_column_name from all your *.csv files in your mydata/ subdirectory.

By default, Miller output goes to the screen (or you can redirect a file using > or to another process using |). With -I, for each file name on the command line, output is written to a temporary file in the same directory. Miller writes its output into that temp file, which is then renamed over the original. Then, processing continues on the next file. Each file is processed in isolation: if the output format is CSV, CSV headers will be present in each output file; statistics are only over each file's own records; and so on.

Since this replaces your data with modified data, it's often a good idea to back up your original files somewhere first, to protect against keystroking errors.

Situations in which the input can't be updated in place:

  • If the input file is a URL of the form http://..., https://..., or file://....
  • If a --prepipe or --prepipex flag is being used.
  • If in-place compression is being used and the format is BZIP2. For technical reasons, this can't be recompressed in place. (GZIP and ZLIB, however, are recompressable in place).

Additional note: gzip supports various compression levels, from 1 to 9. If you do mlr -I ... yourfile.gz then Miller will produce compressed output using GZIP, but, it makes no attempt to determine, or mimic, the original compression level of the input.

Please see Choices for printing to files for examples.

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